Dress Code

Beginning with the 2022-2023 School Year, Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool will be requiring school uniform compliance as part of our dress code. Each student will be required to wear a uniform every day. **Mt Olive logos or plain shirts only. No other logos are acceptable on shirts, sweatshirts, or vests.

Our Dress Code General Guidelines are as follows:


On Bottom

Khaki shorts, skorts, pants, jumper
Plaid skirts, skorts, and jumpers (French Toast/Land’s End)
Girls should wear sport shorts under jumpers and skirts and tights must be worn when the weather turns cold.

On Top

Maroon, gray or white short/long sleeve Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool polo (Debi)
Plaid (French Toast/Land’s End) Maroon or gray vest
Maroon or gray Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool crewneck sweatshirt
Maroon, gray or white button up sweater


On Bottom

Khaki shorts or pants

On Top

Maroon, gray, or white short/long sleeve Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool polo (Debi)
Plaid (French Toast/Land’s End) maroon or gray vest
Maroon or gray Mt. Olive Lutheran Preschool crewneck sweatshirt


Closed toe shoes and socks are required every day. No sandals, crocks or flip-flops

Gym shirts

Students will participate in gym class once a week and will wear a Mt. Olive gym shirt with gray gym shorts and tennis shoes. Gym shirts can be purchased through (Fast and Friendly).

Extra Clothing

Each student is required to keep a complete uniform, including underwear and socks, in a labeled Zip-lock bag in their backpack. All uniforms should be labeled with your child’s last name including sweatshirts, jackets and coats.

On occasion, clothes may become soiled due to the nature of our play or in some instances, potty accidents. The preschool requires that you send a seasonal set of clothing including (including socks and underwear) in a labeled sealable plastic bag for your child in case of accidents or spills. Additional information is found on the What to Bring to School list.

Outside Play

Outside play is offered daily, weather permitting, and encouraged to develop his/her gross motor skills. On rainy days, alternative physical activities will be provided indoors. Please send your child with a coat, hat and gloves for cold weather. Sunscreen and/or insect repellant should be applied by the parent before arrival to the preschool at the discretion of the parent.

Potty Training

For all children aged 3 or over by September 1, being potty trained is required. All children at this age should recognize and communicate with their teacher when they need to use the restroom. Children must also be able to manipulate their clothing, unfasten and remove clothing to use the restroom and clean themselves with little to no assistance. Belts are not recommended since they can be hard for students to manipulate. We encourage parents to continue practicing appropriate toilet training at home.

Please contact us if you have any questions.